Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Essay 4 suggestions

Edgar gave me an idea to begin my story from the perspective as an adult and reflect to what I know now, as opposed to childhood. I think that might work since I am writing about independent thought from religion and questioning of what was taught rather then belief in what they fed me. So if I write as an adult who is in an adult state of mind and then reflect back and forth it could work nicely.

I was also told to use my imagery since I did mention that in the blog. It was a very vivid memory so I think I will work with the visualization aspect of it to make a descriptive piece.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Essay #4 idea

I am going to write about a profound memory I had as a child that left a spiritual imprint on me. It is extremely vivid and I have not forgotten a single minute detail. This will give me plenty to work with in terms of description and detail.

As for the story, I want to make it about the revelation of one's indepedence and ability to think for yourself. It is in refrence to religion and a child's realization that religion questionable.