Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Publication Venue Selection!

Publication: Ecotone

Voice: Narrative, Literary, Journalistic

Audience: Ecotone caters to people who tend to roam the realms of the environment within themselves and around them and take notice of the little things in these realms. It is for those that seek the microcosm as well as the macrocosm that is the universe.

Purpose: To bring the natural world and enliven it through words. Make the audience more aware of our daily worlds and senses surrounding us in the natural world.

Subject Matter: The environment, including human, animal, natural and the connection between the worlds.

Submissions and Editor's Request: Submission and Reading times done between Aug 15-April 15. Memoir and Novel works are "self-contained" or as I saw, single spaced. Only one submission per genre and may submit same works to other magazines yet must contact Ecotone if accepted. No electronic submissions. Must send full name, address, and address to the editor: David Gessner; and include a S.A.S.E if you want a response from them which will come within three months. Submissions must be done in the Chicago Manual of Style.

Creative Writing Department
University of North Carolina Wilmington
601 South College Road
Wilmingtom, NC 28403-3297

NO PAY and No Charge!!
Website: info@ecotonejournal.com

Theme/Style/characteristics of work they want: "Ecotone is always looking for dynamic, original and boundary-breaking...borders, boundaries, the natural world, and the human world."

Examples of Other Essays: I read from Ecotone Volume I Number 2, the story: "Whole Hog" by Tenaya Darlington and the poem Morphology, or the study of morphing by Bob Hicok. Both were the study of people. The CNF essay was segmented and literary and was the study of a burly meat and potatoes, Americanized in contrast to Naturalistic-Vegan-Hippie type neighbors who dance Sufi style and fast. The poem is an intense study of the self and one's ability to change and the way the environment impedes of helps this. Other stories I wrote had this same self-actualizing, reflective, intimate voice that studies humans and gives some realization to the connections around us. Reg Saner sheds essay "Lions in the Streets" sheds light on the environmental encroachment.

There are two issues a year, usually every six months.

I chose Ecotone because I am a nature-oriented individual who enjoys studying people, the environment, animals and the universe we live in. Two of the CNF essays I wrote pertained to Ecotone's theme so I felt drawn to it thus felt it was perfect for my own "niche".