Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Essay 4 suggestions

Edgar gave me an idea to begin my story from the perspective as an adult and reflect to what I know now, as opposed to childhood. I think that might work since I am writing about independent thought from religion and questioning of what was taught rather then belief in what they fed me. So if I write as an adult who is in an adult state of mind and then reflect back and forth it could work nicely.

I was also told to use my imagery since I did mention that in the blog. It was a very vivid memory so I think I will work with the visualization aspect of it to make a descriptive piece.

1 comment:

The Cookie Monster said...

I like the idea of attacking this essay from the perspective of girl vs. woman. In particular, focus on the midway point in between the two(the confused and questionable person you were when you first began to question these things).The memories and experiences of the child plant the seeds for the ideologies of the adult. You are independent because at one point you took the ideas, lessons, and rules that were ingrained into you as a dependent person, broke down and rationalized these thoughts, and formed them into the collective series of thoughts and philosophies that now shape the beautiful woman that you are.