Tuesday, September 9, 2008

In Her Own Words

Creative Nonfiction, the essential essence of a person. Categorizing one's own personal experience in emotional vivid landscapes. No fear, no hesitation. Like walking around naked with your inner experiences drawn and painted onto your body. Like opening up your chest and allowing others to inspect it's contents. Like telling the truth with color, articulation, fire, passion. Like being who you really are and not giving a damn what the nay sayers in the world say. All in all it is truth in the already known, coming to terms with the self, and taking off the mask of the Ego. It is living your own life and really living it.

Monday, September 8, 2008

She pretends to breathe into the mic in soft whispers while she subtlty scrapes her teeth on the surface. Her porcelin enamel rips away the anxiety while her eyes smile at the crowd like two butterflies dancing in an Amsterdam garden. They cheer and cheer like starved howling monkies and she feeds them what they want.