Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Reflective Blog

1. What are your plans as a writer (how do you expect to use writing in your future)?

I would like to polish my poetry and start sending it out there for publication. I am also thinking about doing writing workshops and creative writing classes.

2. Describe any changes in your writing style?

I changed my usage of grammar because I am now more conscious of the proper way in which to use it in an effective way to make the sentence strong. This has helped me get my point across without the use of big words and long, run-on sentences. It has also helped me structure my sentences correctly and more fluidly.

I have also found a way to shorten my paragraphs in order to make them more punchy and get my point through. This, in tandem with being more fluid in my structure, has help dramatically prove my writing.

I also waned the excessive use of literary device to get my point across. As a poet I believed this was the way to show the reader your feelings and meaning yet it is different in all forms of writing styles so I am able to identify when it is correct to use it, and not.

I am also able to reread my work and see if something does not fit just from the phonetic rhythm. Then, I can go back and fix it so it flows better.

3. Describe any changes in your writing process?

I have a difficult time in my writing process. First-off, i put an exorbitant amount of pressure on myself to produce thus stunting myself in the process like a deer in headlights. If I were to just say what I were already thinking on the paper without the added pressure of words, syntax, literary device, grammar, grades, spelling and perfection; then I would be able to get my point across in no time. This does not happen so I end up with anxiety and an extension, if I am lucky.

Secondly, I never know what my concept fully is before I write and this makes the writing process more of a challenge for me because I am almost journal writing at the time. Then, when I go back half of my work is garbage and needs to be discarded and rewritten.

One very frustrating aspect of my writing process is that I write in illusion of the concept and this ties in to the former paragraph. This leads me to a crazed-state because then I have the potential of having to re-write my entire essay all over again to be more direct.

4. Describe any changes in your attitude toward/interest in/understanding of writing in general, and CNF in particular.

CNF made me more frustrated with writing as it was a mega challenge for me. I am a poet in natural talent and these two forms of writing oppose each other in many ways. Longer forms of writing are harder for me as it is more of a commitment of time, concept and story and I felt lost at inept at making these commitments.

It made me question my ability as a writer because I could not master the skill as much as I had hoped for myself. I even questioned whether I wanted to use my skills in a future profession anymore.

5. What have you learned about yourself as a writer?

I have learned about how metaphoric I am in my writing and how and when to use it. Now I know when my use of big language is too over-the-top and will underscore the meaning of my work.

I have learned of the two voices I tend to use in my writing and the stream-of-consciousness that polarizes the two voices. I have a dualism in my writing and i found that to be interesting.

Most important lesson for me was learning of the style in which I tackle writing a story. This lesson will hopefully help me alter my writing process so as to allow the flow of my writing as opposed to the pressure of perfection.

Also, it takes me awhile to realize what I want to say as I am a process writer/thinker. I work things out slowly sometimes through writing as it is a catharsis for me. This is why it takes me time to have a Eureka moment.

6. What features of your writing do you feel are most important for you to work on?

I feel I have a lot to work on in terms of my writing. I want to work of my process most specifically so as to make it run smoother for me. If I am able to make the process more fluid and less pressured, then I will be able to produce more frequently and effective work.

I want to learn how to use my metaphoric style yet combine it with some direct language. I also want to work on saying less with more. I am going to work on brainstorming so as to come to the core of my concept before writing. This would make the writing process a lot easier for me.

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