Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New Essay Idea

For my Essay #3 I would like to build off of the blog in which we had to look into something hidden and write about it. I had looked in the basement and found the chest my grandfather made and found a made a connection with the chest and his sickness. I would like to make the theme of the Essay Impermanance and how life is fleeting, just as things are.


Diana said...

This is an interesting topic. I would like to see how you take the chest and use it to lead into a discussion of life and its brevity. You have a very distinct focus here, and it seems like it is going to be an emotional topic with lots of experience to draw from. I'm curious about the connection between the chest and your grandfather's sickness. It seems like this will be a good essay

Matt Dempsey said...

I think you have a really good sense of where your going with it. Im very close with my family and my dads side well are all basically gone from sickness and when i had to help clean my nana's house i found things that meant alot to me. She loved elvis soi i actually have one of her picturs she had of him in my room and everyt9ime i see it i think of her.... i see your focus on hwoj yoru going to make the connection its going to be a really good essay

Jenna said...

I really like your idea. I think your essay will be very touching. Many of us have possessions that remind us of loved ones and they are even more cherished when the loved one is either sick or even deceased. I am really interested in how you will connect the chest to your grandfather's sickness. I think you have a great idea and your essay will be a good read.

Edgar said...

Wow, you can get really deep with this essay. I love to read about life and how short and meaningful it is. your focus should really stay on your grnadfather and your relationship with him. its amzing how things you can find in your attic or when your looking in something you havent seen or though about in a long time. neverhteless i hope to read you finished work, and to read about your feelings about your family, which is the most important thing we have in htis world.

The Cookie Monster said...

This piece is covered in irony. A hidden chest reveals details and insight into a not so hidden sickness. A chest's relation to the sunrise and sunset of life, the effect it can have simply by opening a chest and filling it with memories(living life), or closing a chest(dying), and later on reopening that same chest(resurrection...or in many ways...crafting immortality) is amazing. Its not just a chest...its a memory box